Convenience at your fingertips.
Instant Issue Debit Cards
Print your debit card immediately at your full-service branch. Quick turnaround and no waiting.
Community Impact Debit Cards
Make a difference while you shop. Give back to the community you love, every time you swipe!
Community Impact Card benefits include:
- Each time you make a purchase with your card, Azura donates 5 cents from the Credit Union to your selected participating charity of choice - there's no monetary obligation from your account.
- We're on track to raise $40,000 for local non-profits this year!
- Available with all checking accounts
- No charge or fee to sign up - just pick your charity and debit card design
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Topeka
The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Topeka is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. To learn more please visit www.bgctopeka.org
Harvesters | The Community Food Network
Harvesters mission is to feed hungry people today and work to end hunger tomorrow. This regional food bank serves a 26 county area of NE Kansas and NW Missouri. To learn about their other programs and efforts, please visit www.harvesters.org
MVP, Military Veteran Project
The Military Veteran Project is on a mission to prevent military suicide through research and treatment. Every day 22 veterans take their own lives. That is a suicide every 65 minutes. To learn more or get involved with the Military Veteran Project please visit www.militaryveteranproject.org
Supporting Kids Foundation
Supporting Kids Foundation is helping Kansas City area families battle childhood cancer with dignity and peace of mind. This non-profit was founded by neighbors and friends in Lenexa in 2009, who understand first hand that "no one budgets for cancer." To learn more please visit, www.supportingkids.org
TARC is Shawnee County's most experienced provider of support for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. TARC has been providing support and services for over 60 years. To learn more, please visit www.tarcinc.org
Topeka Community Cycle Project
Our mission is to broaden access to cycling in Topeka through hands-on education and bike repair. The TCCP exists to serve everyone through various programs. TCCP is a place to learn new skills and develop a community of cyclists in and around Topeka. Visit www.cycleproject.org to learn more.
Topeka Rescue Mission
The Topeka Rescue Mission is a homeless shelter which has served Topeka, Kansas for more than 60 years. TRM is dedicated to providing food, shelter, clothing, training, and hope to homeless and impoverished men, women and children. To learn more please visit www.trmonline.org
iPic Visa Debit Card
We recognize that each Azura member is unique and we want to give you the option to personalize your debit card to fit who you are! Customize your Visa Debit Card today.
Our members with iPic Visa Debit Card enjoy:
- Favorite pictures to be placed on a debit card
- First time Visa Debit Cardholders may choose the iPic Visa Debit Card for free!
How to Order Your iPic Card
- Submit your photo in electronic format as a jpg (jpeg, JPG) using the iPic Submission Form at the bottom of this page.
- Along with the photo, include your first and last name and a phone number or e-mail address should we need to contact you for more information.
Helpful Hints for the iPic Card
- Photos must be submitted in electronic format, jpg preferred. Azura cannot scan photos.
- Other than necessary cropping, Azura cannot edit images. Members are responsible for the quality of the photo submitted. Azura may not be held responsible for the lightness or darkness of photos, dust specks, scratches, low resolution, or pixelation.
- Composition is important when choosing a photo for the iPic.
- Azura recommends that faces or the subjects within the photo be in the top, upper half of the image.
- Elements in the lower half may be covered by the card numbers or name.
- Limit the size of your photos to three megabytes (3MB).
- Copyrighted photographs are not allowed, i.e. sports logos, product logos, web images. You must obtain and submit written permission from the photographer or company to use such images, as well as photography studio images.
- Photos purchased from stock art sites are allowed.
Azura reserves the right to refuse images that the credit union deems inappropriate.
iPic Cards take 7-10 business days to produce, from the date the order was placed. Cards cannot be ordered until Azura has received your electronic photo. iPic Cards are only available for Visa Debit Cards and may not replace Visa Credit Cards. Members must have Azura Visa Check Card with Azura Checking Account to utilize the iPic.
Standard Visa Debit Card
Azura members with our Standard Visa Debit Card enjoy a variety of benefits. We are also happy to offer digital wallet banking.
Standard Visa Debit Card benefits include:
- No annual fees
- 24/7 Nation Wide ATMs
- Accepted at millions of merchants around the world
- Digital Wallet Available
- Apple Pay®, Google Pay®, and Samsung Pay® offer a convenient and secure way to make purchases using your smartphone. With digital wallets, you can securely store your Azura Credit Union Visa debit or credit card information to make purchases on-the-go with your smartwatch or device.
Debit Card Gallery Design Catalog
Select one of the following card images for free.